It is so close, PAX Aus 2024 begins on Friday and just in case you are not prepared… here is some last minute advice from someone who has no idea what to expect this year.

First piece of advice, if you haven’t already checked out the schedule for PAX, download the app or check online and start planning panels and other events that will soon shape your PAX AUS experience.

Secondly, wear comfortable clothing and footwear, may seem like a broken record with this as I have heard everyone say this and comfortable shoes will be a life saver by the Sunday when it comes to doing over 10,000 per day.

Be sure to check out the PAX Rising section and be prepared to fall in love with a game you didn’t expect to with the number of games on display there is sure to be one.

CODE NZ booth have a selection of games from across the ditch and is another hidden gem of PAX Aus.

PANELS! There are so many to choose from and the PAX experience is not complete without attending AT LEAST ONE! (I suggest What’s That Mobile Game? Fruitbat Theatre on Friday at 11am).

GenerOZity do an AMAZING job during PAX Aus, be sure to check out what is happening in the GenerOZity Wombat Theatre, and if you are able to, donate a few dollarydoos to a good cause.

LINES and PAX go hand in hand, take this into account whether it is to get into the exhibition floor part of the convention, to try one of the major exhibitors’ latest games or to buy the merchandise from one of the outlets spread out around the convention centre.

REMEMBER PAX Aus is CASHLESS, so make sure you have money in the bank (although a little bit of cash is helpful for venues outside of the convention centre).

PORTABLE CHARGER! If you have one, bring it, you don’t know when it will come in handy (and it WILL come in handy).

Make sure you keep your property close to you (I know this from experience, having lost my wallet on the Friday in 2022, it was handed in to lost property and I got it back on the Saturday BUT it would be better without the stress).

ENFORCERS are your FRIENDS… as scary as some may seem, they are there to keep PAX Aus running smoothly.

CONSENT is KEY, with so many COSPLAYERS there will be the urge for photos with your favourite video game characters BUT ensure you ask first before just approaching and taking a selfie.

Look after yourself, keep yourself hydrated and fed, this is one thing that people forget when they are engaged with everything PAX has to offer, there are so many places to eat in the CBD, take some time before Friday to get to know where your favourite food joints are located.

FRIENDS! PAX is a time to catch up with friends from all over the country (AND THE WORLD!) and it is also a great time to meet new ones, whether it is sitting down to play one of the tabletop games or even a round of Magic: The Gathering.

PAX is a time were there are so many people condensed in one spot, it is important to remember to ensure you smell alright (keep some deodorant on you and use at regular intervals during your time at the convention centre).

Be on the look out for the PAX AUS 247 title, created by Drawza (yep, that’s me) in 2019 and continued this year by Maddog_1992, make sure you keep an eye at for the belt and your chance for championship glory.

STAY SAFE! With whatever you get up to during the days around and during PAX, make sure you look after yourself and others, we are all attending PAX Aus to enjoy ourselves and we do not want the experience ruined, if you SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING.

Many content creators have their own creator cards (business cards or even cards based off Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon or one of the countless trading card games, this is a great opportunity to get to know other content creators and also an amazing keepsake to look back on each PAX season.

Of course there is SO MUCH to do, and there is SO MUCH I have forgotten BUT the most important piece of advice I can give for PAX Aus is HAVE FUN!


Interview with PAX Rising’s Mist Forge’s developer Rohan


Interview with PAX Rising’s Lighthaze World’s developer Anthony