I am still trying to collect all my thoughts regarding PAX Aus this year, it has been simply amazing.

Every year the lead up to the weekend and the weekend itself is something a lot of people look forward to, this year did not disappoint.

There was so much to see and not enough time, I was overwhelmed with the task I set for myself on the Friday and changed my plans to ensure I was not going to stress out too much.

I still made the effort to walk the floor and interview some of the PAX Rising games, not as many as I planned at the start of the weekend but still got videos to make out of the event.

This year also saw myself on a panel for the first time (which is on YouTube, sorry for the poor audio) and this exposed me to another side of PAX Aus, one where rather than watching people on panels, it is you being watched. (I have included the video at the bottom).

Going back to the lead up to PAX Aus, the best part for me was reaching out and getting content made about PAX Rising and CODE NZ, the indie game section, which I walked around nervously filming crowds around the PAX Rising area.

Now that PAX Aus is over, it does not mean the indie games have disappeared, make sure to check them out on steam and other platforms and of course Wishlist them, so you stay up to date with the game’s development.

Now onto getting the videos edited.


PAX AUS Video Interview with Daytime Devs


Interview with Jack, solo developer for Doomtide